I gotta tell you it worried me a little bit to go look to see what photo I would have to post but it turned out not to be so bad... This is actually pretty fun!
This is a picture taken Feb. 2008 of a mama sea otter and her baby, if you look closely you can see the baby nursing. They were so cute! It was a rainy day and me, my Mom and Carley & Emily decided to head over to Morro Bay to see the waves. I always stop to see the sea otters too but this day there was 6 or 8 little otter families and the babies were so fun to watch.
Here's who I hope will take the challenge...
Thanks Lisa. Sounds like fun. Will have a go at that tomorrow.
(Heading off for a night out soon.)
Your sea baby is beeeeeeeeeeeeutiful.
Happy blogging.....Cheers from Australia, Sandie
Thanks for playing, Lisa. I love your photo. Those sea otters are adorable. Just too cute!!
This really is a challenge, but fun. It is scary to thing what might be there. I love the otter and babes.
Okay Sis! I accept the challenge but I'm afraid to look. LOL Will someone hold my hand? LOL
I love your cute little sea otters! Hope my pic is cute too. I'm getting weally weally worried! LOL
Luv ya!
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