Happy Saturday! My family is participating in the Big Brother Big Sisters bowl-a-thon taking place on March 7, 2010. If you would like to help me by sponsoring me in the bowl-a-thon I would really apreciate it --any amount will help! :) You can make a check payable to BBBS (Big Brothers Big Sisters) and mail it to me before March 5, 2010 or you can also sponsor me via PayPal fromthe BBBS website ( www.slobigs.org ) click on the "bowl for kids sake" link to the left of the page and under sponsor bowler please put my name: Lisa Cockrum . BTW donations are tax deductable. :) Thank you so much for your support!
Lisa Cockrum
PO Box 185
Shandon, CA 93461
Peeking Bunny Butt featuring Art Impressions products
40 minutes ago